Okay, so what has now been determined is that monsters, who have multiple attack techniques must essentially follow the same restrictions as PC's (aka: Needs a Full-Attack Action in order to use more than one attack type in a round, otherwise, they only get one attack with their primary attack form). So, let's put this idea to work here, in-game: EXAMPLE: The PC's are facing a rather nasty Hill Giant, with a club attack, and boulder-throwing ability. DM (Chris): Okay, the Hill Giant sees the party, goes "arrgh", and attacks, roll initiative. Player 1 (Ann): He goes "arrgh", is he a pirate? (grins) Player 2 (Max): Ha-ha, I am Max. Player 3 (Justin): Cool, I rolled a natural 20!!!, can I get a critical hit on him?? DM: No, roll for initiative, attack when I tell you to attack. Justin: Can I keep the 20? DM: NO!! Player 4 (Keith): Can someone roll for me, I'm giving Rebecca a bath. DM: You got a 5 Keith. Keith: Can someone else roll for me?? Max: Ha-ha. I got a 18. DM: Total?? Max: No, forgot bonuses. Ha-ha, now a twen-ty. (smiles). Justin: Stop matching me, I got a 20 too!! Ann: Twenty or twenty-two??? (grins). DM: OK guys, so Keith got a 5, Max and Justin got 20, Ann, what did you get?? Ann: 17. DM: And the Hill Giant gets (rolls), oh wow, 21. Justin: No way, that's a freaking huge creature, how did he get 21?? DM: Because I said so, and he's now attacking you (rolls), (grimaces), (re-rolls), and completely manages to drop the boulder on his own foot because I can't roll dice to save my life. Max: Ha-ha!! I will destroy him!! Ann: So is he...flat-footed?? (grins). Justin: Man, I so should have gotten the critical hit on him (pouts). DM: So did anyone roll for Lisa? Player 5 (Lisa): (snore). DM: Guess not. (Small child, wrapped in towel, now comes running through the living room, smiling. Keith is following). Keith: What have I missed? Ann: We got him flat-footed (grins). Keith: Oh, cool, did we kill it yet? DM: No, we just got the initiatives, and he dropped the boulder on himself. Keith: I thought you said he was flat-footed? Ann: I was being "punny", he beat us. Max: Ha-ha, I am Max!! Justin: I so should have nailed him. (drops dice at random, muttering). Lisa: Rebecca, baby stop!!! (child bouncing on her stomach). Keith: So did he get the full-attack action?? DM: Not in this case, since he dropped a really big rock on his own foot. So you can see from the example above, this really helps to explain matters that are essential to any game situation in combat, provided there aren't too many distractions. Copyright 2002, Wizards of the Hasbro.