JIM'S WEATHER GENERATOR by Jim Heath Start with whatever precipitation and wind conditions you wish, then roll d% at the start of each day for the change in weather conditions: 01-03 5 steps better PRECIPITATION WIND 04-07 4 steps better 08-15 3 steps better Clear Calm 16-24 2 steps better Ptly Cloudy Breeze 25-39 1 step better Mostly Cloudy Lt. Wind 40-60 same Cloudy Windy 61-75 1 step worse Misty/Drizzle (*) Heavy Wind (***) 76-85 2 steps worse Rain/Sleet (**) Gale (+) 86-93 3 steps worse Thunderstorm/Snow (***) Cyclone/Tornado (+++) 94-97 4 steps worse Deluge/Blizzard (+) 98-00 5 steps worse Hurricane/Monsoon (++) * Maximum Duration 14 days ** Maximum Duration 10 days *** Maximum Duration 6 days + Maximum Duration 3 days ++ Maximum Duration 1 day +++ Maximum Duration 6 hours; also fast-moving phenomena Obviously contradictory results (Clear + Tornado, Misty + Gale) are always decided in favor of precipitation. That is, the wind conditions are re-rolled or a suitable wind selected. If a change would place a condition off the scale (say, 3 places better than Partly Cloudy) the change is re-rolled. If the re-roll is still impossible, treat as "same". Severe weather conditions can only persist for their maximum duration. At the expiration of that duration, the weather immediately improves one place. For the next three days, subtract 20% from all change rolls.